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Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Some of you have been asking what the program is all about so I thought I’d share a quick story. I tried the original HCG plan 4 years ago and yes the plan worked, I lost 20 pounds in 30 days it was torture, having to limit calories so dramatically was not easy. I kept it off for 2 years but like most people life happens and it came back on.

I tried Keto and it did not work for me, I did the baking, I did all the “stuff” and honestly really nothing, I wrapped things in cheese and drank whipping cream but it was not coming off and the little I did lose would be back on to no avail. It does works for some but didn’t for me. I decided to go back on the original HCG program and just suck it up and eat 500 calories and buy the drops I tried the first time but when looking into it more I found that there was a new program developed by Dr.Lipman that provided you 800-1000 calories and there were a ton of new options! The original plan was developed in 1950 (🤔😯) so times have seriously changed and through his research he came up with a modern plan that adapted with the times. Quickly I was losing just as much as I had on the original plan and not starving and having the zombie feeling.

There are two options on this plan: The HCG and Thin Deluxe together, or just the Thin Deluxe. I did the Thin Deluxe for the first round and lost 20 pounds and decided to do the HCG and Thin Deluxe drops together to get to my goal of 30 pounds. I have 4 more to go.

This isn’t a hack, network marketing, pyramid scheme, or auto-sign up deal. I’ve been asked to sign up for those types of things in the past and not interested, not that there is a problem with those programs it’s just not a fit for me. This literally is that easy, it’s just the drops and eating the right foods on the plan and drinking your 90 ozs of water.

Most people lose .5 to a pound a day, it was easy to justify the cost based on eating out at a restaurant a couple of times a month, I’ve actually saved on not buying my lunch each day. Email at to hear about any specials and ask questions! I have lost 31 pounds and it’s the best thing I’ve done!!!

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